Git autocomplete

Git should be part of your main workflow when working on projects. A good branching model should be part of that as well. However, switching branches is not always auto-completed using the tab key. For this, you can find a script which fixes auto completion for you. ...

2022-01-21 · Mycha de Vrees

How to git

Using the git-workflow method, in this document we explain some best practices and (naming) conventions on how to keep things organized and ’easy'. In this document, there are multiple references to git push --force related to rebasing on branches other than develop or master, please try to use git push –force-with-lease, or, when using my gitconfig, use git please :) ...


Git is a great versioning tool. I use it in all my day-to-day activities and non-work projects. Basically anything I write, is versioned via git. ...